What is MuvExToE?
MuvExToE is the brand name for MuvEnum Extensions To Explorer. It is our newest programming venture and will consist of freeware extensions to Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer and Outlook. Our hope is to provide an ever expanding list of utilities/extensions.
MuvExToE Extensions:
- IE Open Last Closed Tab
- For Internet Explorer 7: Makes "Alt-X" re-open the last closed tab. Also makes "Alt-Q" show a "Quick Tab Style View" of the previously closed tabs, complete with thumbnails.
- IE Aliases
- For Internet Explorer 6 & 7: Lets you create aliases to open single/multiple websites easily.
- Number of Selected Items - Outlook 2007 Plugin
- For Outlook 2007: A plugin that adds a label to the standard toolbar which displays the number of items you currently have selected, similar to Windows Explorer.
MuvExToE Extensions are freeware!
If you have an idea of an extension you would like to see, please post about it on our
We are able to make these extensions free due to the continuing success of:
MuvAudio2 - Converts the audio of most audio/video files which are playable by Windows Media Player into MP3, WMA, OGG, MP4, FLAC, WAV and many other formats.
Even if you plan on , please take a look at MuvAudio2 and see if it is a program that you would be interested in. Another way to show your support is by spreading the word about MuvEnum and the programs that we are creating.